The update button was flashing on my keyboard.

What, you don’t have one of those?

That is odd. hmmmm. Well mine has been blinking for some time, but I have ignored it. I guess it is true that after a few years many fade away from blogging. I did enjoy it  but it does consume a bit of time, not so much blogging but keeping up with others as well. I still receive notices when a new post is …uhm posted, on someones blog though. But I don’t receive very many notices anymore as most bloggers I followed seem to have drifted away too. 

But an update, in case anyone drifts by and is wondering.

I am still practicing, I am a partner now. We are still loving our home and continue to make improvements, additions, little changes and such. Spring is sort of here, so we are anxious to play outside, planting and expanding our gardens. 

I have my multi engine rating now, so I am still flying when possible. Actually I hope to go up this weekend if the weather forecast improves. sheish. I am becoming annoyed with the soggy mother nature.

We are all doctors now, Jill has been working hard and now has her DBA! We are very proud of her!

On a somewhat larger change to our life style. We opened our home to two foster children a little while ago for an emergency situation. A little boy and a little girl who had no family other than their father.. who was in the hospital. They arrived on a Friday night with very little in the way of belongings and very undernourished, needless to say they were beyond scared and clung together so tightly.  We opened our home and our hearts to these two angels. They were in awe of so many things that children of their age should take for granted. So we spoiled them, cared for them and protected them. We showed them love and support and slowly they emerged from their sheer panic stage they had when they arrived to one of apprehensive comfort while their father fought his battle in the hospital. He unfortunately lost that battle. 

So now a little four year old girl and a five year old boy were alone in the world. Orphans. Our plan of providing care in an emergency situation… well it changed. They were in our hearts now. When we had to tell them their father had passed, our little miss asked nervously what was going to happen to them,  for how long would they stay with us, tears were forming again. I asked both of them what I promised their first day with us, our little mister said that I would keep them safe.  They were trembling in fear again. They always had this fear of abandonment, that this was not going to last. They did not have a fantastic childhood… Now they had experienced love, new clothing, a soft clean bed, two if they wanted, but for now they only wanted the one, toys, a puppy, omg toys, I told you, we spoiled them. There was so much more, we fell in love with them. We were giving them all  they had missed out on. For them it was a fairy tale.

Now they feared it was going to end, how long were they going to stay.

I told her, forever.

Unless they were not happy with us. 

She whispered, forever?

 I smiled and asked her if she would like that, if it would be ok, because we loved them so much.  We really wanted them to join our family. Forever.  He was holding his breath, so was she. Their tears were still wet on their cheeks.

They are very good huggers. They call me mommy. They really never knew their birth mother.  

They have four moms now. They discovered they have aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents now too. 

They will remain in our care, in our love. Forever.

So this is it, my update. I can push the button and send this off.

About sensuousamberville

I am a Practitioner, teacher and student. I think we should always be students, we should keep our minds open, to continue to learn. :-) Now a mother of two little ones.

6 responses »

  1. Congratulations Amber! The children (angels!) couldn’t be in a safer, more loving home. From our conversations I know they’ve already been exposed to so many experiences that they otherwise would never have experienced. Best of all, I know they give very special “hugs” to their loving mom(s)!

    All the best! You have a truly beautiful family.

  2. I should’ve read this one before the other, but let me do it in reverse because I get to say a big formal Congratulations *squeals* like a guinea pig.

    Oh I’m so, so happy. They are safe and loved. What more. Well, toys of course, because who doesn’t want toys? even I do. I just picked up Paddington Bear and I’m in love with it.I lost mine a long time ago. Weird as…
    Okay moving right along.. how wonderful to be a part of family with lots of aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents and most importantly to have those hugs!!!

    I don’t know what happened to my update button because I’d surely like one. My laptop lost it. Sigh. I have drifted away too, mostly because I am now an elementary school art teacher and my girls are proper teens with every activity under the sun. I try to go in and comment or like posts from my blogging family – they always find time to like or comment on my posts which are so rare, I wonder if I exist sometimes.


    • ooooh an art teacher, assign lots of homework, nods. paint the fridge door and bring it in. 😉

      Loved, *nods lots* they are receiving so much love now, They have toys, clothes, pets and their names on their door, they know they are a part of our family now.

      • my girls would be envious of the pets part… no pets because of allergies etc. How lovely to fall into your family. Love is perfect.

        Sometimes I do not want to be an art teacher, especially when they are sassy and speak whilst I’m speaking. I try to turn my stern eye and well, they are learning not to mistake kindness.

  3. I demand an update! It’s been many many years. I still check in periodically when something triggers nostalgia of the old internet days!


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