Tag Archives: blog

Silent Suggestions


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I have to keep up, I have to post

I am behind, it is like I have nothing to say

That can’t be right

so I best make a post

you know, a …


so here it is

Nice and neat

delivered even

Ritterrost_post_postauto_big (Small)

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I am back.

Vacations end. blech. lol, we had a lot of fun though. Aimee configured her auto response on her email to say…. I am either singing, laughing, swimming, flying, eating, floating, boating or relaxing in a hammock. I am on vacation! See you next week.

And that is just what we did. The week zoomed by!

Long canoe rides early in the morning when the lake was still misty. The fish were jumping and doing tricks in the air, the loons were singing off in the distance.

Campfires by the shore listening to the loons call some more. I think they got closer when we sang.

Some great meals, well all of them were great! We boated to a corn stand that was beside the road down the lake a bit, the corn was amazing as usual, it is handy we can boat to it.

We flew to a resort for an amazing brunch, it was so relaxing and the lake was like glass, it was so beautiful. They gave us a table that overlooked the lake, the view was magnificent. 

A night of rain, listening to it patter on the roof. It didn’t do any pittering,…

We swam early in the morning, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night, the water kept calling to us. Between swims we relaxed in hammocks by the lake shore and watched nature swim by, a family of ducks kept us amused as mom would push them along to keep them in a group, daddy duck was off doing manly duck things. A loon took to standing on a rock close to where we were sitting, vanishing every once and a while to fish, then returning to balance on the rock again. Every once and a while a blue heron would chase it away and stand on the rock. It was a very popular rock.

We flew to an adjacent province to visit family that live on a lake, for a couple of days, we surprised them as only one family member knew we were coming, We stopped on a very busy lake to fuel up as their lake is a bit tiny. Both lakes are so beautiful. We taxied a long way to their cottage and then tied up at their dock, there was a lot of squealing when they saw us deplane. It wasn’t long before there were lots of people asking for rides so they could see their home from the air. Sheish good thing we filled up our tank. It was fun though I love the excitement when someone flies for the first time, more so when they see their home or cottage from the air, the view is always different from what they expect. 

It was a wonderful week off, we liked it so much we are planning another one soon. I think I should plan two six month vacations a year, that would be just about perfect….


Mother Nature is the culprit


It may be all the Greeks fault though…

they started it all it seems….

Gaia, Mother Earth 

Goddess of theirs, that became known as Mother Nature…

Mother of the Titans

watcher of our weather…

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New Cream cheese.. does it pass the test?

What happens when

  images     pink-plus-sign10697_whipped_creme_frosting_600pink-plus-sign250px-Plain-Bagel  meet?

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woo hoo, hump day


Unless you are on vacation this week… then maybe it isn’t so great. eeeps.

well a silly post, with some silly/cute images.. yes a cheating post. WednesdayHumpDay

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being connected, is it good?

tis time to upgrade.

to join the up and coming world.

time to brag and push buttons as if I know what I am doing.

surf the internet in the middle of nowhere and find out interesting useless things.

to email whilst jogging

to pop on and know where north is.. while shopping

to check my day planner and know I am late.

to have alarms beep to remind me I should shop tomorrow.

to scan funny looking images to know what they are.

Yes, it is time to buy a new phone. 



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A relaxing day

A day off, woo hoo, to sit in the sun and just flop. 

well I guess we could have done that. hmmm perhaps we should have?

I was going to say I had a busy week, but we all did. The weather this weekend was grand. Finally. wait, where is the exclamation mark…. !

It was sunny and warm woo hoo, we could tan!

But I wanted to go for a run. Not a long one, I mean I don’t have a bike… so it was just 5k. I like the 5k run, about 2.5 k away there is a nice chip truck… what? but they put on gravy and cheese curds. so it is a healthy snack.

Megan said she wanted some Poutine (psst that is what it is called), so she said she was going to come along… then Jill heard .. my quiet run was going to be more fun… and Aimee too. woo hoo, see if exercise has a reward…

It was great, so sunny, the blossoms are on the trees, everyone is happy, so lots of waving. 

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goes for awwwws…….



yes there is more

Weekend Fun

wow, two weeks in a row we went to the movies!


But now we will be eating rice and rock soup for a month…. maybe two!

Guess what we saw this week?

jack-the-giant-killer-09 (Small)

Did you say Jack the Giant Killer?

if you did….. you are wrong.

so what did we see then, click on to see