Tag Archives: inspiring

“I sit beside the fire and think”

Well I have dug out my hobbit book.

Having told someone I was re reading it, she sent me this poem.

I thought it was worth posting as it means something different to each person that reads it,

and when they read it, age, stage in life… 

more more surely there is more, click on click on and ye shall see

hmmmm well if they knew the words…. those birds

Read the rest of this entry

Self Harm

Trigger warning.

This is probably my most serious blog to date. I am going to discuss something many of you may not have heard of, hopefully not seen, hopefully not done. But should be aware of and I want you to understand why and not to judge.
Please read on reminds about the warning, there’s more!


The follow post up to yesterdays question


But that doesn’t compare to what I do to myself when you’re not there

so on we go to see the results, there’s more!

Shadows – flickering and curling wrapping you in fog

Shadows flickering and curling

read on, there’s more!

You are not alone.

For today’s blog, I am going to ramble on a bit. Oh not to torment you or to be obtuse. but I want the blog/post to unfold like my thoughts. To coin a recently used phrase, like a twisted ball of twine. Ok, here is a map to today’s blog… just so you can follow along.

hold on, it will be like a roller coaster read on, there’s more!

More Smiles to brighten your day… it is good for you.

I couldn’t resist.

When they say smiling is good for you… it actually is.

We know a smile is contagious, when you see one, yours grows too.

Does it work when you see a cute kitten with a grin?

Oh I have quite a few more. Seeing animals with smiles made me grin. What about you?

so keep reading, there’s more!

Inspiring Teenager… proves she is NOT too young

Last fall, a young Ontario girl was in a fundraising swim that raised $10,000 for a summer camp for children with cancer.

This summer camp is Camp Trillium. A fantastic place that “offers and promotes recreational experiences to bring children with cancer and their families together. The Trillium Centre provides an environment that normalizes relationships and experiences, helping children and their families in the healing process and enhancing their quality of life.” (from their website)

The camp is free, it runs on fund raising and donations. 

She visited Camp Trillium and was so moved that she asked to volunteer – but at 13 she was told that she was too young to help. 

Undaunted and so moved by her experience she decided that this was a challenge. 13 was not too young. What 13 year old thinks they are too young?

So she decided to raise money on her own. She is 14 now. 

Annaleise Carr was met with great cheers, hoots and clapping from her  family members and a crowd of supporters, tv reporters and cameras with bright shiny lights… and lots of  very happy faces, when she came out of lake Ontario at the Toronto waterfront Sunday, becoming the youngest person ever to swim across it.

27 hours in the water!

52 kilometers !!


After the swim she phoned her great grandmother to tell her she was finished the swim. Her Great grandmother told her that she knew, because she watched it on TV. Annaleise’s reaction was ” I was on TV, Why?!?!

Donations are still coming in, who knows where it will stop.

Too young indeed!

Go Annaleise! woo hooo    You Rock!


This is what she had to say 20 hours after getting out of the water:

“As I got into the water on Saturday I just kept thinking about Camp Trillium and what I was doing it for,” she said.

“I didn’t want to give up when I thought about how much the kids at Camp Trillium have been through and what they have to go through their entire lives.”

Through the night the water started to become wavy and the swim got tougher and tougher, Carr said. When the morning light broke a pacer helped lift her spirits by making funny faces, she said.

“Then I started getting updates on how much money I’d raised and it was going up like crazy,” Carr said.

“I got told $50,000 and I was already over my goal and I started swimming harder. I got told $60,000 and I didn’t want to stop.”

The tally kept climbing and Carr said she knew she couldn’t stop.

Michelle Siu / The Canadian Press

Annaleise Carr is embraced after she officially finished her record breaking overnight Lake Ontario swim from Niagara-on-the-lake to Toronto on Sunday August 19, 2012. The 14-year-old is the youngest swimmer to cross Lake Ontario and has raised well above her fundraising goal to help Camp Trillium, a camp for children with cancer.

“When I was about a kilometre away I could hear everyone and start seeing lights. At that time the current was really, really bad and it felt like I was going nowhere,” she said.

“That’s when I heard that I had gotten over $100,000. I was like really excited.”

Donations for Carr’s swim will send 115 children to camp for 10 days.


*passes out tissues*

That is inspiring.