Tag Archives: funny pictures

Guess what day it is today…..

Come on you can do it, guess what today is.


here is a hint, it is April 1ST


have you got it now?


yup today is Tuesday.




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Funny pictures to brighten your day

There are times when a post of just funny pictures can be… well funny. 

Pictures that tickle your funny bone. hmm I am going to have to google that to see where it came from. 

pictures that… well …


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parking problems

Some people have parking problems


it seems.

It isn’t too terribly difficult to fit in the space, it isn’t like there are challenges to do so…


ok, so some spots have a tiny wall at one end…


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Pictures that make you… well uhm… look?

I am cheating again, but sometimes pictures can be a fun post.


I felt a fun post was in order.


To cheer everyone up. 

images (8)

did that work?  well I have more, so keep looking.

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Snow Day

Guess what today is.. no don’t peek at the title, that is too good a clue

give up?

Its A

snow-daywoo hoo and on a Friday, is that good planning or what?

So what to do on a snow day, well click on and you may find out