Tag Archives: humor

Haikus for fun

writing haikus fun
grammar not that important
just finish haikus

rhyming can be hard
so it is not always done
deep thought though, is good

it is fun to rhyme
it may take you much more time
you won’t get a dime

so some haikus rhyme
this one doesnt though, tough huh?
write your own, to rhyme

Deepest thoughts visit
minds wander with words written
pictures painted here

contagious writing
focusing minds a great task
with just a few, words

fun can be had too
if you chop a word when need..
of course that is cheat….


A rhyme a rhyme my gold for a rhyme

Anniversaries they come and go,
it is a yearly thing, you know.
Unless you like them each week,
it could be that which you seek?

Once a year is good for me,
I am not too greedy you see.
An anniversary can be so nice it is sought,
or one you would rather have, not.

Not all of them are great,
some you could just hate.
We try not to pay homage to those,
maybe, instead, just write some prose?

A tribute to someone that has passed,
Or something in our memory, which is cast.
We should just try to forget these,
and focus on the ones that do us please.

We can dwell in our past if we desire,
those thorns can form such a brier.
Entangle us in its tangled grip.
deeper in we can slip.

The future is ahead.
look to it instead.
To my blog happy anniversary,
aren’t you glad this rhyme, wasn’t nursery?


Mine mine mine…

We have a new planet. Well sort of. 


They sort of discovered a new planet to replace the one we sent back a long time ago. This one is bigger so they are going to keep it. I thought size didn’t matter? 

No one has seen the new planet yet, but they have lots of pretty circles showing where it is, sort of. I mean they think it is there.2nd_p9_kbo_orbits_labeled_1_-1200x675Oh yes, the new planet, if it is there… is planet nine, sort of because it is ninth. So no real name yet.


I hereby claim planet nine. Henceforth it shall be known as Ambersville.



sorry I am back yet?


Silent Suggestions


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Sometimes it is ok to indulge

Ok so I like potato chips. They may be called crisps too. I think they even have a potato chip day. I wonder who started that?

Potato chips on a white background.

They come in many flavours, the companies making them are always trying something new. One company, for the past couple of years, has run a contest, where people send in ideas. Then people vote for their favourite, if the winning chip does well they get a share of the proceeds and a cash prize I think. I think I read that the winning flavour last year did so poorly that they discontinued it, hmmm if it loses money does the person submitting the idea have to cover costs?

Some of the different chips they make are very unique. uhm… yes that is the word. 

Maple Moose? eeeeps

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cash prizes, awards and merry making

I received this from wordpress today
Happy Anniversary with WordPress.com!
You registered on WordPress.com 3 years ago!
Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging!
Along with a gold watch, diamond ring, cash award, wine shaped glass icon, trophy, long thank you email, Trip on the company jet to a vacation spot of my choiceA share in the advertising revenue that my blog of almost 60 thousand visits generated

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Global warming

eeeeeps, global warming seems to be causing deforestation…


this is bad right?


no more trees…..


I bet you haven’t given this much thought…


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Look up.. what do you see?

Have you ever looked up in the sky at the clouds?

Perhaps seen shapes?

I have seen the clouds from both sides, they are very magical when you look down at them.

Sometimes fun to float through, but challenging too.

We call them gas stations, the big ones, because they give you lift when you fly under one. The air is cooler, denser, it pushes you up.

07-Amazing-cloud-formations-7-630x466eeeps, this one is a bit low to fly under though…

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Funny pictures to brighten your day

There are times when a post of just funny pictures can be… well funny. 

Pictures that tickle your funny bone. hmm I am going to have to google that to see where it came from. 

pictures that… well …


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parking problems

Some people have parking problems


it seems.

It isn’t too terribly difficult to fit in the space, it isn’t like there are challenges to do so…


ok, so some spots have a tiny wall at one end…


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