Tag Archives: funny

Silent Suggestions


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Funny pictures to brighten your day

There are times when a post of just funny pictures can be… well funny. 

Pictures that tickle your funny bone. hmm I am going to have to google that to see where it came from. 

pictures that… well …


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woo hoo, hump day


Unless you are on vacation this week… then maybe it isn’t so great. eeeps.

well a silly post, with some silly/cute images.. yes a cheating post. WednesdayHumpDay

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How cute is this?

Something different

So my questions are…

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Happy Groundhog Day

Woo hoo, we can have a party.

wait…. what party snacks go with a day like this… hmmm

oh, jello shots.. *nods wisely*


well I must have more, you will have to click to be sure

Have a Catty Christmas


I don’t want to get in trouble with the feline union… so equal time has to be made for come catty images.. so no hissing.

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