Tag Archives: Christmas


Happy Limbo Day!




It is December 23rd …. Limbo day

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Oh, Ho, Oh

OH look at the calendar… Christmas is getting closer, the mall parking lots are becoming much harder to park in and more lights are on houses. wooot.

I saw a commercial for an upcoming T.V. special, the question was asked… How many Christmas lights are enough… the answer was something like… don’t quote me…. six hundred thousand four hundred and thirty two.


tacky_lights_richmond_main (Small)

now I am sure this isn’t the house in question

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Seasons Reflections

As the day gets closer and things calm down… wait, they are calming down?

hmm not for me, well it works better for the blog if I say …. and things are calming down.

So I will stick with that.

… as things calm down… (there, see how well that worked?)

We reflect more, no not like Christmas lights.. sheish.

Ok so I am going for a bit of levity with this post as some recent ones  have been dabbed with a bit of remorse.

We reflect on the year, the things we did, the things we wanted to do. Perhaps the resolutions that were unfulfilled. 

I always advise against making New Years resolutions. If you want to do something, just do it, if you want to stop… well then stop. 

eeeps I am diverging. 

Best click on that Read the rest of this entry thingie, to see what else I am reflecting on. I must be a bright bulb or something. Maybe just flickering?

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The true meaning of Christmas

When you peek into your head, what gives you that fuzzy feeling?

You know, that cozy feeling that has a bit of excitement tossed in. Many of these memories are from childhood, a Christmas that was extra special perhaps? Maybe it was when your Dad let you have a tiny glass of Champagne like everyone else (maybe it wasn’t champagne but you felt special)

You know, I bet none of them, those special memories, involve that really extra special gift that you received. I bet when you peek into your head and smile at a special Christmas memory, none of them involve what we received or gave.

But wait, that is not correct either, the memories we are looking at.. it is what we received.

The expression is that it is better to give than to receive.

Tis not true.

tis better to receive.

No wait, no frowning.

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Celtic Woman, not just the group.

This time of year Christmas Specials abound on the TV. 

Most we have all seen many times, some are great some probably not, but we watch them anyway.

Last night whilst spinning through the multitude of channels Jill stumbled across a special on PBS.

We saw the word Celtic and all nodded.

Some of you will know why this would be so, we do miss her a lot.

It was beautiful. 

If you see Celtic Woman Home for Christmas is on one evening, you should watch it. It will be on a PBS channel I think.

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Christmas Scrooge… is furry and has a bushy tail

Christmas lights. It is the time of the year, homes glittering and sparkling, some clear, some multicoloured. We like to go for walks in the evening so we can look at each home… and smiling so. Some are truly amazing!

We put our lights up last week also, or was it the week before, time seems to rush by this month. Until the 24th and then it crawls. lol.

no it really seems to stop.

So we put up our lights, made a bit of a scene, it looked so pretty.

Dec 19 Lites 008 - Copy

noooo that wasn’t our house, eeeps, it is very colourful though.

We have some stars, some Santa’s that are light so they glow.

Lights in the shrubs, placed with care, all glowing brightly.

It made us smile.

Until yesterday. *grumbles*

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It is here, the eve of the day

Wooo Hooo


so sparkly greetings for one and all…. oh so click and peek

The waiting day

December 23rd…. the day of waiting


The quiet hush as all is prepared… hopefully

excited whispering and peeking at the tree

A  day of waiting, wondering what will be

The clock ticks.. but one slow second at a time

click on read on for there is more

The Secret of Christmas

Some know it, some don’t


Because it is a Secret.


what is the secret? read on there’s more!

The Poinsettia

poinsettia (2)

The Poinsettia

The flower that will adorn so many homes over the holidays.

From big to small and in quite a few colours.

Do you have one?

click and continue you have to see, there’s more!