Tag Archives: nature

Flying herds

We were back to the  cottage this weekend, summer is zipping by so fast, there are some signs of fall now too, the nights are cooling off, so are the days, well finally, as last week was terribly hot.

Nature knows when the seasons are about to change, the birds seem to be one of our first signs. They gather in flocks, some trees will have literally thousands of birds tweeting away. Probably they use the hash tag #itstimetogosouth I am not sure, but I know they are tweeting. uhm. twittering?



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Happy Groundhog Day

Woo hoo, we can have a party.

wait…. what party snacks go with a day like this… hmmm

oh, jello shots.. *nods wisely*


well I must have more, you will have to click to be sure

Have a Catty Christmas


I don’t want to get in trouble with the feline union… so equal time has to be made for come catty images.. so no hissing.

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hmmmm well if they knew the words…. those birds

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the dastardly chipmunk, natures kleptomaniac… or the cute tormentor…

Isn’t he cute?

knows it is a he, cause of the nuts.

What? hey, stop thinking like that… he is gathering nuts for his family for the winter… shiesh.

We have a lot of them at our cottage. I mean a lot. They are very bold, you could probably feed them from your hand, but then they would never go away.

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Memories of the weekend… the lake.. and magic

As the weekend winds down and everyone returns to their homes, the lake is once again a memory until we return. The waters calm as the users depart, The last ripples slowly seeking the shore as the boats are tied and people scurry back to the cities, leaving behind the loons to call  oh so whimsically in that magical way they have. The geese to paddle with their long trails of young following faithfully. The frogs calling out, in their deep throaty way, to each other while the trees whisper to each other as the birds settle in their branches as calmness returns. 

Each visitor to the cottage becomes another memory of the fun had and experiences shared. The campfires, the canoe trips, the screams of delight with water activities to the serenity from a slow canoe paddle over calm water at sunset… and all week long I peek into my head and smile as I visit those memories over and over. They all mix and mingle and join the ones already there, from so long ago…

Ready for another week of instructing and counselling, wishing I could bring all I meet to that special place knowing how it would restore their self, calmness, rationality…  


only 5 days until the weekend… wonder what new memories I will add.

I hope everyone has a great week!