Tag Archives: people

It is not ‘your own’ leave it be

You can change your mind, sometimes that is a good thing to do. An example is when you have an idea to make a song “your own”. Then it is a good idea to change your mind. Unless you are thief and are stealing the song? Then it is yours? I am confused. How  can you take someone else’s song and make it your own with out being a thief? When we used to watch Idol, the judges would often say.. make the song your own.  Then when they did, the judges would say you butchered that song, why do you think you are better than the original artist? What gave you the right to butcher their song? The judges were confusing and often made little sense, so we stopped watching idol.

You can change a light bulb. An idea is often associated with light bulbs, like one getting bright as you have a good idea, when it glows dim does this mean it is a bad idea? You know, like making a song your own? Then it is good to change the light bulb, if it is dim like your idea.

 You can change a diaper, you know, for when it really smells bad. It should be changed then. Nelly funlesstado, (yes I changed your name, I made it my own, see how it works?) Your rendition of O Canada was horrific, it was terrible, it was insulting it was dull it was bad it was CRAP. It was annoying, it annoyed me. You must think you are very special?

Some things, just can not be made “your own”.  A national Anthem is a song of pride, it is a song that lives in peoples hearts. It makes some smile, it makes some sad, it makes hearts fill with pride. 




Please never sing our song again, please never sing again. Practice instead, “May I take your order?”

Perhaps you can make that your own.


did I mention that I was annoyed?


A rhyme a rhyme my gold for a rhyme

Anniversaries they come and go,
it is a yearly thing, you know.
Unless you like them each week,
it could be that which you seek?

Once a year is good for me,
I am not too greedy you see.
An anniversary can be so nice it is sought,
or one you would rather have, not.

Not all of them are great,
some you could just hate.
We try not to pay homage to those,
maybe, instead, just write some prose?

A tribute to someone that has passed,
Or something in our memory, which is cast.
We should just try to forget these,
and focus on the ones that do us please.

We can dwell in our past if we desire,
those thorns can form such a brier.
Entangle us in its tangled grip.
deeper in we can slip.

The future is ahead.
look to it instead.
To my blog happy anniversary,
aren’t you glad this rhyme, wasn’t nursery?


Is it today or yesterday?

WordPress sent me a note last night, quite late too I may add. 

It is my Anniversary!




Four years ago I started my blog, in those days I posted much more often, once or twice a day it seems instead of the once or twice a month I seem to have gravitated to recently.  

But it has been four years.

Now you can all send anniversary gifts to me, I like gold best. What?


oh that is very nice.

Set of gold bars isolated on white background

This nice too, you know, in case you can’t find any cute A’s


Snow Day… ON A FRIDAY!

Well not for us, but for my friends in the warm sunny south, how great is that?


eeeeps, well snow is fun, you just ordered too much, sheish.


It is ok though. There will be lots of people out to move it around, pssst there is good money to be made removing snow.


Hope everyone giggles, don’t worry it will melt.

'Removal sounds politically incorrect.'

before the big storm…



after the big storm….


awww, look.






planning is everything…. sneaky snow plow drivers plan too much.



Stay safe everyone please.




Sunny Sunday

Spring finally fell on us. uhm, sprang? springed? sproing? bounced in? eeeeps.

Well it is here. Finally, actually it felt more like summer today, which is good too. Spring springs, fall falls, winter lasts forever and summer does what? hmmm. Well it doesn’t last long enough, of that I am certain. 

We had a great summer like evening last night, company came over, we had a mixed grill on the bbq. Which is a great way to finish a day. Some of my roomies seemed to have a lot of fun last night too, not as much fun this morning I think though. I was sneaking out quietly this morning to get some grass seed to over seed our lawn with, now that it is growing, now that spring finally showed up, whilst they slept in after springing so much, uhm sproinging? 

Aimee decided to come with, tis good to have someone to operate the radio. She asked where we were going, I said I was planning on getting some grass seed. When she finished adjusting the radio she looked around wondering where the grass seed store was that we were going to.

Oh we aren’t getting grass seed right now I told her.

Ok, so where are we going?

I pointed up.

It was just too beautiful a day, clear sky… gentle breeze…

She smiled.

Less than an hour later we went by our house again, to check out the lawn… it actually looked good from a thousand feet. 

Aimee said it was too bad we didn’t pick up the grass seed we could have spread it quite easily from there. eeeeeps.

We landed at a smaller airport and Aimee noticed a familiar car driving up, she smiled again and we had lunch with her mom. She didn’t have any grass seed though, so we had to leave. 

We did finally manage to buy a sack o seed on the way home though. Do you know how many sizes it comes in? We bought a ten kg bag, we have a lot of lawn to over seed, I bet it will go fast. 

Now we will need rain, sheish, then the grass will grow and we will have to cut it, is green cement expensive? 



Marriage is a pairing, a union, no one owns this word.

Trees Marry

The grey fades
branches shiver together
in the morning wind
shaking off the morning dew
intertwined together.
glowing with the morning sun
the radiance beaming upon them
warming with its power
the two trees stand proud
their branches melded together.

Facing the world, standing proud
their leaves flutter gently in the wind.
for as long as they could remember
they stood beside one another
branches growing closer
interweaving, meshing
becoming one, together.

Watching the world unfold
trying to understand
how this word
describing their union
became so complex
so embattled
when it is just a union
when two join
to become one.

How did this word
become so complex?
when it is so simple
tis a union
a pairing
two joining
becoming one.



Memories, treasures of a friendship

I have debated this post a bit, maybe I won’t publish it.

blogging  is powerful I found. I have indicated this often. That I find it to be so similar to support groups, or even group therapy. People reach out to each other, support, laff and love. They help each other in tiny ways sometimes, with a supportive comment, or a very long informative letter, comment or post.

It is a special thing.

Very strong friendships grow.

This has happened for me, as with many of my readers, one touched us in a powerful way.

How does someone do that with mere words? Capture us so? Words are just groupings of letters formed in, sometimes, coherent patterns.

Words seem to do that though, for some. Some seem to be able to make their words more magical?

hmmm, perhaps, though She was adapt at stringing words in beautiful pictures, it was not the words that captured us.

Read the rest of this entry

The true meaning of Christmas

When you peek into your head, what gives you that fuzzy feeling?

You know, that cozy feeling that has a bit of excitement tossed in. Many of these memories are from childhood, a Christmas that was extra special perhaps? Maybe it was when your Dad let you have a tiny glass of Champagne like everyone else (maybe it wasn’t champagne but you felt special)

You know, I bet none of them, those special memories, involve that really extra special gift that you received. I bet when you peek into your head and smile at a special Christmas memory, none of them involve what we received or gave.

But wait, that is not correct either, the memories we are looking at.. it is what we received.

The expression is that it is better to give than to receive.

Tis not true.

tis better to receive.

No wait, no frowning.

Read the rest of this entry

Remember, for if we don’t.. it happens again.. and again.

The eleventh hour of the eleventh day… of the eleventh month.

A day of memories.

so why?

The first war.. to end all wars.. Ended. This took effect on the eleventh day, of the eleventh month in 1918, the ending of this terrible war.

That was quite some time ago. This war to end all wars. A global conflict that took so many lives. 

So what happened?

Perhaps I am too young, to naive. To understand how a war could be fought. 

But they continue…………………

Read the rest of this entry


I was going to flip a coin.

To decide which topic to spew words at tonight.

I was sort of warned not to do so with one topic, this was probably good advice.

Funny thing about advice, we often do not listen to it.

oh well here goes….

Read the rest of this entry