A StrAngE WiNter

The past, hmmm couple? of winters have not been “normal” for us. Almost no snow and temperatures that bounce radically.

It wasn’t long ago, that we had snow banks that were well over my head…. wait.. ok over your head too, no “height challenged” comments. 

Winter with no snow, is easy to drive and walk in, but with snow you can do more fun things.



Eeeps, the banks weren’t that tall.

Driving is great in the winter though, you can find a lot more parking places…


Groans… well if you clean off your car, things like this often don’t happen. Don’t you just hate it when you follow a car that has a tiny little spot cleared on their windows, you wonder how they can see? Lazy drivers, I mean how long does it take to clear things off?

th (6)



well if you shovel out your car in the morning that wouldn’t happen.


oh wow, well trained kitty. Perhaps they should get one….. *points down*


oh oh….

well it could be worse


see, things can always be worse. *smiles cheerfully*

Being prepared and adapting, that is the key. Taking advantage of the season.


oh that is a good plan. But not what I meant. sheish.


seee, now this is planning. Then they can be sold on ebay?

hmmm, Would there be a demand?


oh great, someone is mass producing them.


It is fun to build castles and forts though, what? you didn’t do this?

always be prepared too.



If you have an angel, you can make a snow angel

funny-baby-in-the-snow (Small)


Trouble with winter though, is when you relax outside too long, and doze off….


everyone thinks it is a cool snow sculpture… pssst, is that bubba?

Puppies love the snow, but maybe not so much snow blowers



Cats though, they just don’t really like anything in the winter for some reason




It does mess up cycling though. 




(is that Katie?)




About sensuousamberville

I am a Practitioner, teacher and student. I think we should always be students, we should keep our minds open, to continue to learn. :-) Now a mother of two little ones.

13 responses »

  1. OMG….that was NOT me lol….well, it could be. (I follow a blog by someone with the name AllSeasonCyclist…he just was talking about snow tires for bikes!)

    And all the photos were wonderfully fun. I REALLY like the one with the bazillion snow men…err….snow army. That is almost creepy! lol

    By the way

    *sticks tongue again because of the comment about my bike riding abilities*…smirkles

  2. Loves the photos – and the post – you can keep your snow 😉 x

  3. Wow, I’ll keep my little couple of inches of snow in England haha


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